The Birthing of a New CommunityWe need to move from decision to transformation. Most of the gospel presentations lead you up to a decision question which usually has to do with that transaction between Jesus and ourselves and receiving forgiveness of sin rather than a commitment to a lifetime of transformation when we enter into a life of Jesus so that we become like Him. That says that I need to be entering into a lifetime of dying to self so that Christ can come alive in us. So, we need to shift the emphasis in that direction. From Individual to CommunitySecondly, we need to shift from individual to community. The gospel we communicate today is a very individualistic “me and Jesus” kind of gospel. It’s just that transaction that takes place between God and myself and as if that happens just internally within our own heart. Whereas the message of the gospel really is about a new community. God is birthing a new people, and we become a part of that new community. So we’re saved not only individually before God, [but] we’re saved into a people of God. And that new community is to reflect the life of God among us. From Afterlife to Mission LifeAnd then thirdly, we need to shift from afterlife to mission life. It seems like we go immediately from forgiveness in the gospel presentation to “now you have eternal life” and “end of story.” No, the story is just beginning. That’s where we need to shift to mission life. We give our lives over to Jesus to enter into and engage in His mission. Greg Ogden, ED101 Introducing Discipleship, Logos Mobile Education (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014). | 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |