Topical Bible Studies

These Bible Study Lesson are on a wide variety of topics.

Each Bible Study lesson consists of about 20 ready-to-use questions that get groups talking.

Answers are provided in the from of short quotes from well-known commentators and Christian writers. Your Bible study group will love these lessons. 

Learn how to really use these lessons. Buy the book on Amazon.  

 Special Lessons

Small Group Tune-Up

Ancient Words

How to Live the Christian Life

Discipleship as a Sport

What My Grandbabies Taught Me About Theology

4 Habits

The Discipleship Course

Revitalize Your Church

The Gospel of Jesus

The Relationship Principles of Jesus

10 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health

Dark Clouds; Deep Mercy. A study of Lament

The Good and Beautiful God


Playing Second Fiddle Well

Think Ahead

Promises of God (Covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc.)

True Spirituality

Fresh Encounter

As It Is In Heaven


Hope in the Lord

Authentic Church

Examining Our Faith 

When Your Way Isn't Working (John 15)

A Faith that Matters

Holier Than Thou

Please, Sorry, Thanks

When the Church Was Young

Growing Faith

Live No Lies

The God Who Is There (D.A. Carson; An overview of the story of the Bible)

Set Apart

Prodigal God



The Power to Change

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

God’s Pattern for Revival and Spiritual 

Overcoming Life

God is Closer Than You Think, Ortberg

6 Encounters with Jesus

The Mountains of the Bible

Joyful Surrender

Living Without Fear

The Life Changing Power of God's Word

Follow Me -- A Call to Lordship Living

Seamless -- Understanding the Bible as One Seamless Story

Love Your Neighbor

Mere Hope, Jason Duesing 

God's Exceptional Choice

The Holy Spirit

A Good Day

God's Devil

Count It All Joy -- A Study of Philippians

The Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24 - 25)

How to Talk about Jesus, Chan

All of Grace

The Me I Want to Be

One Week to Live -- Lessons from Jesus's Final Week

Life's Pitfalls -- Life of Joseph

Partners in a New Creation

Difference Maker

Forward, by David Jeremiah

Prophecies of Jesus

God Has Not Forgotten You

Made for this Moment (A Study of Esther), Max Lucado

God Frees and Redeems


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Heaven on Earth


The Holiness of God

What Did You Expect? (Marriage / Newlywed) 

No Doubt (1 John)

None Like Him (Attributes of God)

Detours: Lessons from the Life of Joseph

A Life of Praise

Seven Churches of Revelation

When We Say Father -- A Study of the Lord's


Winning the War in Your Mind

Essentials Truths

BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World

The Blessing of Humility (The Beatitudes)

More than a Carpenter (Apologetics) 

All-In Commitment

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Above All (J.D. Greear)

When the Enemy Strikes, Charles Stanley

10 Commandments

Love One Another

Facing Your Giants / A Study of the Life of David

Hope / 1 Peter

You Are Gifted

Everything You Need

The Secret of Happiness (Beatitudes)

The End of Me

Alone with God (Lord's Prayer)

Never Enough

When Life Get's Hard

The Many Faces of Wisdom

Justice and the Prophets

Honoring God

It Happens After Prayer

Jesus Continued... (A Study of the Holy Spirit), Greear

The Power of Jesus' Names, Tony Evans

Worry Less; Live More, Robert Morgan

Choosing Forgiveness, Nancy DeMoss

Godly Living in an Ungodly World -- the Life of Good King Asa 

The Life of David as Reflected in the Psalms

God's Answer to Life's Difficult Questions, Rick Warren

Twelve Extraordinary Women, John MacArthur

When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, John Ortberg

Green Hearts, by Jeff Bumgardner and Dr. Stephen Cutchins

Women of Faith in the Bible

You'll Get Through This, Max Lucado

Culture Shock, Chip Ingram

To Live is Christ (Philippians), Matt Chandler

God Loves You, David Jeremiah

Union With Christ, Rankin Wilbourne

Not God Enough (Corresponds with J.D. Greear's book)

Prodigal Prophet(Corresponds with Tim Keller's book)

Why I Believe (Corresponds with Chip Ingram's book)

A Life Beyond Amazing (A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit; Corresponds with David Jeremiah's book)

UnScripted, (Corresponds with Jeff Iorg's book by the same title)

Eternity Is Now In Session (Corresponds with John Ortberg's book)

The Dangerous Duty of Delight (Corresponds with John Piper's book by the same title)

Anxious for Nothing (Corresponds with Max Lucado's book by the same title)

Changed (Corresponds with Johnny Hunt's book by the same title)

Unlimited (Corresponds with Ken Hemphill's book by the same title)

I will (Corresponds with Thom Rainer's book by the same title)

The Knowledge of the Holy (Corresponds with A.W. Tozer's book by the same title)

Overcomer (Corresponds with David Jeremiah's book by the same title)

God's Power to Change Your Life (Corresponds with Rick Warren's book by the same title.)

Answers to Tough Questions

God's Will

God Is Faithful

Simple Ideas; Ginormous Impact

The New Covenant

Engaging Culture 

The Full Picture of Christmas

Our Love for God

How to Pray

Becoming a Welcoming Church

Crucible--Pivotal Moments in the  Life of David

The Radical Disciple

Why Are We Here?

Acknowledging God

The Power of God's Names

The Final Days of Jesus

God Is...

Made for Something More

I Am Changes Who I Am

Faith in Action

Jesus Changes Everything

The Invisible War

The Dark Side

Covenant with God

The Case for Antioch

Kingdom Authority

Broken Vessels

Name Above All Names

Real Relationships

The Case for Christ

Traveling Light

Identity: My Life in Christ

God's Caring, Saving, and Upholding Love


What a Savior!

God's Eternal, Preserving, and Renewing Love

Share Jesus Like It Matters

A Hunger for the Holy

The Birthing of a New Community (Galatians 3 - 6)

Spoken: the Rhythm of Life (Six lessons in Psalms)

Praise God for Creation


Beloved Disciple; Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation

Called to Be God's Leader; Studies in Joshua

Unstoppable: 6 Lessons from the Book of Acts

Kingdom Come!


My Life in God's Kingdom

Beauty for Ashes

Ancient Words of Praise

Restorative FaithSpirituality for the Rest of Us

1000 Days (Life of Christ)

Know Why You Believe

More Than Enough -- The "I Am" Statements of Jesus

Making Change (Biblical Stewardship)

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Distinct: Living Above the Norm (Matthew 5)

What We Bring to God


Jesus in the Present Tense (I AM Statements of Jesus)

Stand Strong

Advocates of Justice for All


Difficult Times


One in the Bond of Love

Stick With Love

Community of the Beloved Disciples

Not I but Christ

Pledge of God's Presence

Like No Other (Life of Christ)

Stewardship for Life

Learning to Pray

Daniel Fast

Being a Child of God

In Awe of God

The Great Omission

Ready: Ministering Life to Those in Crisis

Visions of Grandeur

The Power of Persistence

Slay the Giants In your Life

Storm Shelter: Psalms of God's Embrace

Overcome: Living Beyond Your Circumstances (Life of Joseph)

Connected Bible Study Lessons

Abide in Christ

What is God Like?

Let Hope In

Jesus' Use of Scripture

Resurrection Hope 2014

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Passion of Christ and Purpose of the Life 

The Gospel

Kingdom of God

Productive: Finding Joy in What You Do

Imitating Jesus / James 1 -3

Reign of God

Honest to God / Real Questions Christians Ask

Connected Community (The Church)

Every Christian Ought to Know

Love The Way Jesus Loves

Five Christmas Lessons

First Freedoms

Mystery of the Holy Spirit

First Nation

First Days

When Relationships Collide

Pray Like It Matters

Basic Christianity

Core Convictions


God's Story

Nearing Home

New Testament Survey

Holy Living

Extraordinary Relationships / Proverbs

Surviving in an Angry World

Resurrection Hope


Cross of Christ 

Questions Jesus Asked

Generosity / Stewardship

Trustworthy Sayings

The Power of Surrender

What's In a Name?

Where Will Faith Take Us? 

Know What You Believe 

The Church 

Old Testament Survey FREE Samples

Old Testament Survey All

Who Understands Faith? 

Signs Of Life 

What is Faith? 

Life After Failure 

Following Jesus / Sermon on the Mount

Justice Promised Sunday School Lessons

The Person God Uses Bible Study

The Hand of God (Joseph)

Justice Enacted 

Living Beyond Yourself

Justice Defined

Teachings of Jesus


Worship / Revelation

Jesus Teaches Wisdom

God is in control

The Case For Hope

The Case for Jesus

The Case for the Christian Life

Change the World

The Road Less Traveled

Good Grief

Take the Lead

Putting Possessions into Perspective


One Anothering

Balanced Church Growth

It's a Miracle!

Make Your Life Count

God's Greatest Gift (Christmas)

Heart of Worship

Going Right in a Culture Gone Wrong

Foundations Of Our Faith

A Lasting Legacy

The Prayer of Jesus

Knowing God

Christmas Songs

Battle for the Mind

Church Gone Wrong

Ministry Done Right

I Still Do

The Trinity

God's Will

Profiles in Character

Gospel Crossroads

Called Out of Egypt

Called to be God's People

Called to Choose Life

Leaders in Covenant Community

A Heart for Missions

Fresh Start

Power Through Prayer

Living 3.16 in a 9/11 world

Pioneers in the New Covenant


Short Stories


Breakthrough in Trust


Birth of a New Community

Development of a New Community

Growth of a New Community


Old Testament People

Path to a New Life

Promise Birth Fulfilled


How to do a Topical Bible Study

One of the most exciting ways to study the Bible is by examining it topically. Doing so allows us to study subjects that are of particular interest. Biblical topics usually have many minor themes running through them. In order to do a topical study, every related passage should be considered. The Biblical Topics method will help you to select the subject matter, trace it through the entire Bible, and discover everything that God has said about it, in His Word.

The Biblical Topics method can be used to study a doctrine, an idea, a phrase, or any subject that is mentioned in the Bible. It enables us to study the Word of God systematically, logically, and in an orderly manner. It gives us a proper balance regarding biblical truth as we get to see the whole counsel of God’s Word on the subject. To keep you on course let’s look at some helpful hints before we start.

Suggestions for a Good Topical Study

R. A. Torrey, a great Bible teacher, gives three suggestions that are helpful in studying the Bible topically. They are as follows:

1. Be systematic. Never study the Bible haphazardly. Make a list of all the subjects that are related to your topic. Be as comprehensive and complete as possible. Then take these items one at a time, studying them in a systematic and logical order.

2. Be thorough. Do your best to find and study every verse that relates to the topic. The only way to know everything that God has said on a topic is to go through the entire Bible and find all the passages on that topic. You will need to use a concordance to do this.

3. Be exact. Study each verse in order to understand its exact meaning. Be sure to examine the context of each verse in order to avoid misinterpretation. The biggest mistake you must avoid in doing a topical study is taking a verse out of its context.

With that in mind, complete the following steps to get started on a Biblical Topics study:

Step 1 Choose a topic that interests you

Is there a biblical topic that you would like to study—one that excites you or maybe one that has always confused you? It may be a topic that was specifically mentioned in a passage that you read in your daily reading and you want to learn more about it. Or maybe it was something that was just merely implied in a text but it is of special personal interest to you, so you want to dig into it a little further.

Step 2 Create a list of words

Make a list of all the related words, synonyms, phrases, and anything else that could have something to do with your topic. This will help you search the Bible more completely for God’s thoughts on that topic.

Step 3 Collect verse references

Gather all the verses you can find on the topic by looking up each related word in a concordance. You will also want to use a topical Bible to get references that may relate in thought but not in word. Be sure to look for illustrations as well. For example, on a study on the topic of faith you might include stories about Abraham and Rahab.

Step 4 Consider each reference individually

Read and study every reference, write down your observations and insights on each verse. Be sure to check the context carefully so that your interpretation will be correct. Define all the key words that you come across (use a Bible dictionary). Ask as many questions as you can about each verse in order to find the intended meaning. Remember to use the what, why, when, where, who, and how questions.

Step 5 Compare and group the references into themes

After you have carefully studied all the verses individually, you will begin to notice that some of the references naturally complement each other and deal with the same themes of the topic under study. Categorize these references on a piece of scratch paper for now.

Step 6 Condense your study into an outline

Outline your study by arranging the themes logically under main divisions. Do this by grouping related or similar references together under different theme divisions.

Step 7 Concluding thoughts

Summarize your findings in a brief paragraph. What have you learned about this topic? How have the themes you’ve found broadened your understanding of the Biblical perspective on this topic?

Step 8 Application

Write a practical application drawn from your concluding summary. Identify one area of your life where you can better live out these truths. Make a plan and give yourself a deadline.

The next page has a sample of the Biblical Topics Bible study method. (Note: A true topical Bible study will be exhaustive in reviewing every applicable verse.

Andy Deane, Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word (Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009), 117–119.

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