BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World Study GuideQuantity discountsBooks can be purchased in bulk at a discount here There is an app for thatThere is an app to help you implement that BLESS plan. Do a search on your device's app store. But loving your neighbor isn’t always easy. I once had next-door neighbors who constantly let their pit bull loose in my yard and then got busted for drug possession. They were hard to love. But most of my neighbors have been decent folks. So more often than not, the difficulty we face in loving our neighbors is because we simply don’t know how to love them. Maybe that is why God made it a command. He knew we’d struggle. He knew if He didn’t make it a command, we’d treat it as optional. So God insisted that we find the time, make the sacrifice, and be intentional about loving our neighbors. B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World is a practical resource to help you obey God’s command to love your neighbor. While this book is written in one voice (Dave’s) to make it more readable, it comes from the experience, heart, and hard work of both Dave and Jon Ferguson. This book is written with a sincere desire to show you what the Bible, Jesus’s life, contemporary research, and our own experiences have shown both of us about how to love your neighbors and show them the love of God. This is not a book written to merely change your thinking. It is written to change how you live your life. This book is a manual for how to intentionally and sacrificially make time to love your neighbors. BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World Dave Ferguson | 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |