Lesson 1 / Rainbow / Genesis 8:20–22; 9:8–17 Lesson 2 / Abraham / Genesis 17:1–14 Lesson 3 / Sabbath Lesson 4 / The Spirit Filled Heart Lesson 5 / God’s Covenant with Abraham Lesson 6 / God’s Covenant with Israel Lesson 7 / Obeying God’s Law Lesson 8 / God’s Covenant with David / 2 Samuel 7 Lesson 9 / God’s Covenant with the Exiles Lesson 10 / Faithful God — Unfaithful People Lesson 11 / Promise of a New Covenant Lesson 12 / Mediator of the Covenant Lesson 13 / Remembering the Covenant /
Our God is a personal God who desires to communicate with us. He communicates to us through covenants, such as the one mentioned in our text. Let’s look at three facets of this covenant. First, the Lord will make a new covenant with His people. A new covenant is necessary because the previous covenant was not sufficient. The covenant the Lord promised in this verse looks forward to the coming of the Messiah. Note that the Lord Himself initiates the covenant. He is the guarantor that it will succeed. God’s grace, love and care are the motivation for the new covenant. Previous covenants, such as with Noah, Abraham, and David had progressively revealed the plan of redemption. The new covenant is fulfilled in the life and work of Jesus Christ. Second, the Lord will put His law within His people. The previous covenants were based on works, which the people failed to keep. So God sent prophets to turn the people’s hearts back to Him, but they did not heed the prophets. The thing that makes this new covenant different is that it begins with a God-initiated heart change. The law is written on their hearts, not on stone. It’s internal. This covenant prophesies the coming of the Messiah. Third, the Lord will be God over His people. With this phrase the Lord reveals that the new covenant will be established at the coming of the Messiah. The certainty and permanence of the pact is in the Lord Himself. In review, the Lord will make a new covenant with His people. The Lord will put His law within His people. And the Lord will be God over His people. All of the above has been accomplished in the life and work of Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection that God’s trustworthiness to complete what He has stated in the Bible has been done. When Jesus said “It is finished” on the cross, He announced the establishment of this covenant. The full completion is upon Jesus’ Second Coming. The final chapters of the book of Revelation make it abundantly clear that there is an uninterrupted communion between the Lord and His people. As the covenant people of God, we have a bright future. Take a moment to express gratitude to the Lord for all He has done in Jesus. Demonstrate how much you value our Savior by thanking the Father. Leona Venditti and Nicolas Venditti, Daily Treasures from the Word of God (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2012). | 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |