When Dr. J. Edwin Orr wanted to write a biography of Toronto’s famous pastor Oswald J. Smith, he was concerned about how Smith would respond to the complimentary nature of the work. He soon realized, however, that Dr. Smith was gracious and humble enough to take both criticism and compliments in stride. “He is big enough to be small enough to give the glory to the Lord,” wrote Orr. What a quality for us to emulate! The apostle Paul was like that too. His credentials were outstanding, but he realized that without Christ in his life, he was nothing. His life was honorable because he was consistently saying, “Not I, but Christ” (Galatians 2:20, KJV). Are you big enough to be small enough to give God the glory for whatever He may do with or through you? God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Not I, but Christ Himself in me.… I take, He gives—the victory. David Jeremiah, Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2014), 101. 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |