Lessons that approximate Lifeway's Lessons to be discontinued September 1, 2024
I plan to discontinue writing lessons that approximate the following Lifeway series:
(All existing lessons will remain on this site.) I would like to take a moment to explain why. Lifeway spends a good deal of time and effort creating a curriculum outline—the outline of what will be studied when, along with the selected texts and titles. There is a good deal involved in this as it requires balancing Old and New Testament passages, various doctrines and numerous other concerns. Lifeway deserves to be paid for this. Also, as a business interest, they must be paid for this in order to survive as a business. They pay for this through the sale of literature. If they allow writers of supplemental material to write lessons that compete with their own lessons it undermines their interest. Thus, both the printed material itself and the underlying curriculum outline are considered intellectual property and are protected by copyright. I have dealt with this in the past by not following their outlines exactly. Generally, I didn’t use their texts or titles. This puts me in a bit of a grey area. (How many notes of a song would you have to change before it is a new song?) Honestly, I always thought my lessons helped Lifeway in two ways.
Whether or not this is true may be an interesting debate, but it is not the way Lifeways sees it. They have asked me to stop doing what I am doing. If you have questions or comments for them, feel free to reach out to them. Their contact information is found on the copyright page of any piece of literature. If you would like to contact me, you can do so at josh@joshhunt.com or 575.650.4564. I am not exactly sure what the future looks like for me and would appreciate your prayers. And, Scripture says that in the abundance of counsel there is wisdom. If you have any wisdom for me, feel free to reach out. If you would like to continue using my lessons, all the existing lessons will still be available. In addition, I plan to write new lessons that go along with books. You might consider joining me in using books as curriculum in your Bible Study ministry. I have always thought this was a good idea and this gives me the push to try it. Why? My life has been changed countless times by the reading of books. It has seldom been changed by any curriculum. Josh Hunt If you are looking for a recommendation for something to study, I'd recommend you join me in leading your church through B.L.ES.S. I consider this the Evangelism Explosion plan for the 21st century. It is relational, practical, workable, and proven. The Evangelism Explosion
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