Bible Study Lessons on JusticeJustice, Lesson #1 Justice, Lesson #2 Justice, Lesson #3 Justice, Lesson #4 Justice, Lesson #5 Justice, Lesson #6 Justice, Lesson #7 Justice, Lesson #8 Justice, Lesson #9 Justice, Lesson #10 Justice, Lesson #11 Justice, Lesson #12 Divine justice is different from the polluted concept of human justice. Revenge isn’t justice. On the other hand, restoration is a perfect expression of justice. Allow the Scripture and the Spirit to renew your mind about the meaning of justice. Seek to facilitate divine justice in every arena where you have personal influence. Look at others and ask yourself how Jesus Christ would treat that person and then strive toward seeing that they receive that kind of treatment. Justice transcends political parties, religious sects, and philosophical positions. To dispense justice by practicing kindness and compassion toward others is to express the heart of our Father. To dispense the justice of the Father is to walk in sync with the Spirit and the Word. If dispensing justice hasn’t been a priority in your life, ask the Holy Spirit to show you occasions and means by which you can bring this expression of divine love into your grace walk. Life isn’t fair, but God is gracious. Show that to others by your actions and influence. Steve McVey, Grace Walk Moments: A Devotional (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2014). | 21 Laws of Discipleship -- the book -- |